Pittsburgh: 412-787-0222     Minneapolis: 952-222-3990     Richmond: 804-302-4080



We understand that tattoos are a highly personal form of expression.

And that there is often profound meaning behind the ink.

But we also recognize that some of us with tattoos wish the ink was not so permanent. Maybe it contains a name that is no longer in the picture or the tattoo just didn't turn out the way we thought it would. For some, life just changes, and the ink no longer fits who we are anymore.

It is for these nearly 9 million people that we created Invisible Ink.

We are the tattoo removers and our singular focus is to completely remove your tattoo in a comfortable and private setting. Every one of our patients receive a personalized plan with the clinical care a medical procedure requires. Invisible Ink offers an FDA-approved breakthrough in tattoo removal technology.  Our advanced capability provides better results in just 6 quick treatments. It is also the only technology that can get out those tough blue and green inks that have in the past been a cause for so much pain and concern.

No matter what your personal reason for getting a tattoo. 




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